Međunarodni dan dječje knjige – izložba

Od 1967. uoči ili na rođendan Hansa Christiana Andersena , 2. travnja, obilježava se Međunarodni dan dječje knjige kako bi se poticala ljubav prema čitanju i usmjerila veća pozornost na dječje knjige. Svake godine druga nacionalna sekcija Međunarodnog vijeća za dječju knjigu ima priliku biti organizator Međunarodnog dana Dana dječje knjige. Odlučuje se o temi i poziva prominentni pisac zemlje domaćina da napiše poruku djeci svijeta te poznati ilustrator da dizajnira poster. Ti materijali koriste se na razne načine u svrhu promoviranja knjige i čitanja. Mnoge sekcije MVDK promoviraju MDDK kroz medije i aktivnosti u školama i knjižnicama. Povodom MDDK ukazuje se na važnost dječjih knjiga, organiziraju se posebna događanja, susreti s piscima i ilustratorima, literarni natječaji i dodjele književnih nagrada. Međunarodno vijeće za dječju knjigu Latvije je ovogodišnji organizator Međunarodnog dana dječje knjige 2018., a poruku pod nazivom MANJE JE VIŠE djeci svijeta napisala je latvijska spisateljica Inese Zandere, naglasivši između ostalog da: “Knjiga daje malom čitatelju nadu da je red u svijetu moguć i da svatko ima svoje jedinstveno mjesto u njemu. Sve je podređeno tom cilju: ritam i poredak riječi te izgled stranice daju dojam knjige kao dobro strukturirane cjeline. Veliko se ogleda u malom. Tako su oblikovane knjige za djecu. One su zagonetke koje otkrivamo postupno, potvrda su veličine malih stvari.” Autor postera je poznati latvijski ilustrator i umjetnik filmske animacije Reinis Peterson.


U povodu obilježavanja MDDK dodjeljuje se i najznačajnija međunarodna nagrada za stvaralaštvo u području knjiga i ilustracija za djecu – nagrada Hans Christian Andersen (Hans Christian Andersen Award – HCAA) koja se smatra dječjim Nobelom. Ove godine među nominiranima bila je i naša poznata autorica Andrea Petrlik Huseinović, nominirana u kategoriji ilustratora.Na dodjeli nagrade HCAA 26. ožujka 2018.nagrade su dobili japanska spisateljica Eiko Kadono i ruski ilustrator Igor Oleynikov.

Također ove godine, u ovo doba obilježava se peta godina aktivnog rada na nacionalnoj kampanji “Čitaj mi” kojom se promovira važnost čitanja djeci od najranije dobi.

U izlogu Knjižnice Galženica možete razgledati prigodnu izložbu povodom obilježavanja ovih manifestacija, a organizirat će se i radionica za najmlađe na temu MANJE JE VIŠE. 

ON ENGLISH >>  Since 1967, on or around Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday, 2 April, International Children’s Book Day (ICBD) is celebrated to inspire a love of reading and to call attention to children’s books.

Each year a different National Section of IBBY has the opportunity to be the international sponsor of ICBD. It decides upon a theme and invites a prominent author from the host country to write a message to the children of the world and a well-known illustrator to design a poster. These materials are used in different ways to promote books and reading. Many IBBY Sections promote ICBD through the media and organize activities in schools and public libraries. Often ICBD is linked to celebrations around children’s books and other special events that may include encounters with authors and illustrators, writing competitions or announcements of book awards.

IBBY Latvia is the sponsor for International Children’s Book Day 2018.

Message to the children of the world: THE SMALL IS BIG IN A BOOK

“A book makes the small person intuit that order is possible in the world, and everyone has a unique place in it. Everything works toward this goal: the rhythmic organization of the text, the rows of letters, the design of the page, the impression of the book as a well-structured whole. The great is revealed in the small and we model it in children’s books. A book is a mystery in which something unsought can be found or something beyond one’s reach. A children’s book signifies respect for the greatness of the small. ICBD 2018: IBBY official website”

Written by Inese Zandere, Latvian author.

Hans Christian Andersen Awards

The Hans Christian Andersen Award is the highest international recognition given to an author and an illustrator of children’s books. Given every other year by IBBY, the Hans Christian Andersen Awards recognize lifelong achievement and are presented to an author and an illustrator whose complete works have made an important, lasting contribution to children’s literature.

The Author’s Award has been given since 1956 and the Illustrator’s Award since 1966. The Award consists of a gold medal and a diploma, presented at a festive ceremony during the biennial IBBY Congress.

The Patron of the Andersen Awards is Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark and the Awards are sponsored by Nami Island Inc. Nominations for the Andersen Award are made by the National Sections of IBBY. The award recipients are selected by a distinguished international jury of children’s literature specialists.

The selection criteria include the aesthetic and literary qualities of writing and illustrating as well as the ability to see things from the child’s point of view and the ability to stretch the child’s curiosity and imagination. The complete works of the author and of the illustrator will be taken into consideration.

The 2018 winners are: Eiko Kadono of Japan for Writing and Igor Oleynikov of Russia for Illustration

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